Friday, February 10, 2012

The return of a better me

It has been awhile since i logged in from blogspot or blooger the way they called themselves now.
As i see my previous post, i noticed how noob i was back then.
the bad grammar... bad structure... etc.
Well, I am the present me afterall.
No day without growing :D

Well, I had been through a lot during my absence in blogging community.
The summary of what my reader missed :
1. Graduated with Honours in Entrepreneurship
2. My paper was published in International journal
3. Venturing in Investment world (stocks trading and forex)
4. Attended many seminars (Investment, Management, Marketing, Stocks platform, Property, etc.)
5. Is now into a photography as a hobby

And I'm thinking to share what interest me during my Journey.
I am now writing this blog at Syamsudin Noor Airport (Banjarmasin, South Borneo, Indonesia) while waiting my flight to Juanda International Airport (Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia)

And i will be leaving Surabaya at February 15th 2012 (5 more days) to go to Shanghai.
My purpose to go to Shanghai is to study mandarin, to know a whole lot of people, to understand Chinese culture, and importantly.... finding a girlfriend... LOL LOL LOL (joke)

Well, thats it for now...
Will tell you more of my story soon :D


Saturday, April 16, 2011

Cold muffin = sweeter muffin

Yesterday, my lil brother had a little situation with me.... ( he is 7 years younger than me btw...)

so heres the story :

when we (my famz) had a dinner,
i saw a warm box of food....
so i asked,,,

Me : who bought this ? (while opening the box, and found out that it was a box of muffin)
Mom : it was your little brother's ... his girlfriend made it for him...

Me : really ?
I'm kind of surprise...
Lil' bro : Yeah, U dont know that she can bake ? it has been for quite some times already....

Me : okay... Let me taste one...
(after a while)

Me : ermmm... its kind of tasteless....

Lil bro in frustration : thats because the muffin is hot !!!

Me : HAH !? hahahahaha~ (start laughing)
so... the muffin..... can turn sweeter...... when it gets cold ? wakakakak........ :talking while laughing:

Lil bro getting more frustrated : ............... silence.......... while eating his dinner

Mom : well... at least she can bake.... ur gf might not be able to bake at all....
(trying to lighten the mood)

Me : well... yeah... that might be the case... but whats so funny is what he just said just now...
that the.... muffin......... turns... sweet when it gets cold.... wkakakaka~ :burst of laughter:

Mom : well... it is true.... breads do get sweeter when it turns colder....

Me : HAH ???? seriously ? i didnt know that.........


only after my mom said that he (lil' bro) gets a bit relaxed... LOL

it was so funny to teased him when he defended his gf so much....
ohh the young age.... when the romance is still so pretty......... LOL


but seriously..... bread doesnt get sweeter when it gets cold... it was just a lie that my mom made to make my lil bro less angry....

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Britney's leaked song

It seems that there are still many people still hvnt heard Britney's newest song... it is called Till The World Ends...

Well, its true that it is still unpublished... YET!

but, somehow, i was able to got it months ago.
well... for those who hvent heard it before... here goes the download link :

Britney Spears - Till The World Ends

Its a good song i must say... so, enjoyed it... :D
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